Toner Recycling Program
Our Earth Is Not Disposable, Toner Cartridges Shouldn't Be Either
UTEC supports Sharp's commitment to the environment by offering our customers zero-waste toner recycling for all Sharp consumables, including cartridges, bottles, toner collection containers, and drum units.
Stop, Drop, Recycle Recycling Program
It's free & easy to ship your recyclables in bulk
We provide all collection and shipping materials
We provide all shipping and recycling costs
We further reduce our carbon footprint by more efficiently shipping in bulk (box fits up to 10 cartridges)
All consumables are 100% recycled with ZERO waste to a landfill
A Bulk Recycling Kit Consists Of:
3 Pre-Addressed, Pre-Paid Sharp Cartridge Collection/Shipping Boxes
3 Clear plastic liners
3 Zip ties